account_boxCurtis Maurice Collins

Curtis Maurice Collins Mugshot

Date:01/08/2022 -- STATESBORO PD
Height: 507
Weight: 197
Charge(s): Loitering Or Prowling

Giving False Name, Address, Or Birthdate To Law Enforcement Officer

Probation Violation For Fingerprintable Charge- Felony

Bench Warrant- Misdemeanor

Theft Of Lost/mislaid Property - Misdemeanor

Other Arrests:
  Curtis Collins Arrest Mugshot Bulloch 09/06/2023 -- BULLOCH CO SO Curtis Collins Arrest Mugshot Jenkins Curtis Collins Arrest Mugshot Bulloch 02/21/2023 -- STATESBORO PD Curtis Collins Arrest Mugshot Bulloch 09/14/2018 -- STATESBORO PD Curtis Collins Arrest Mugshot Bulloch 03/02/2016