account_boxAnthony Raphael Knox

Anthony Raphael Knox Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 04/23/1978
Charge(s): 40-6-395(b)(5)(a) - Fleeing Or Attempting To Elude A Police Officer For A Felony Offense - F

16-11-36 - Loitering Or Prowling - M

40-6-296 - Improper Equipment On Bicycle - M

16-10-24 - Obstruction - M

40-6-203(a) - Improper Parking - M

40-6-48 - Failure To Maintain Lane - M

40-6-92 - Improper Crossing Of Roadway By Pedestrian - M

40-6-144 - Driving On Sidewalk - M

16-13-2(b) - Marijuana-possess Less Than 1 Oz. - M

16-13-30(a) - Possession Of A Schedule Ii Controlled Substance - F

16-10-25 - Giving False Name, Address, Or Birthdate To Law Enforcement Officer - M

Other Arrests: