account_boxErich Zion Garrison

Erich Zion Garrison Mugshot

Height: 509
Weight: 135
Charge(s): Entering Automobile Or Other Motor Vehicle With Intent To Commit Theft Or Felony

Entering Automobile Or Other Motor Vehicle With Intent To Commit Theft Or Felony

Entering Automobile Or Other Motor Vehicle With Intent To Commit Theft Or Felony

Entering Automobile Or Other Motor Vehicle With Intent To Commit Theft Or Felony

Probation Violation (when Probation Terms Are Altered) For Fingerprintable Charge - Misdemeanor

Failure To Appear - Misdemeanor

Other Arrests:
  Erich Garrison Arrest Mugshot Carroll 05/10/2022 Erich Garrison Arrest Mugshot Carroll 12/05/2021 Erich Garrison Arrest Mugshot Carroll 08/14/2021 Erich Garrison Arrest Mugshot Carroll 03/05/2020 -- CARROLLTON PD Erich Garrison Arrest Mugshot Carroll 08/09/2019 -- CARROLLTON PD