account_boxLloyd Woodward Third Smith

Lloyd Woodward Third Smith Mugshot

Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 170
Charge(s): Willful Obstruction Of Law Enforcement Officers-misdemeanor

Dui-driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol To The Extent That It Is Less Safe For The Person To Drive

Reckless Driving

Failure To Obey Stop Sign Or Yield After Stopping

Improper Passing On Left

Fleeing/attempting To Elude Police

Driving While License Suspended Or Revoked - 1st Offense

Other Arrests:
  Lloyd Smith Arrest Mugshot Bartow 05/22/2018 Lloyd Smith Arrest Mugshot Bartow 09/07/2017 Lloyd Smith Arrest Mugshot Bartow 07/12/2017 Lloyd Smith Arrest Mugshot Bartow 04/22/2017