account_boxAlberto Gutierrez

Alberto  Gutierrez Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 10/19/1959
Height: 509
Weight: 145
Charge(s): Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Aggravated Assault (deadly Weapon)

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Burglary Structure

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Aggravated Assault W/ Deadly Weapon

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Burglary Structure Unoccupied

Other Arrests:
  Alberto Gutierrez Arrest Mugshot Broward 05/14/2023 Alberto Gutierrez Arrest Mugshot Broward 02/22/2023 Alberto Gutierrez Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/02/2021 Alberto Gutierrez Arrest Mugshot Broward 05/08/2018 Alberto Gutierrez Arrest Mugshot Polk 11/1/2003