account_boxIsaac Scott

Isaac  Scott Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 03/24/1982
Height: 508
Weight: 255
Charge(s): 91.36-1 - False Id Given To Leo -

893.13-6a(coc) - Possession Of Cocaine -

32.261 - Attach Registration License Plate Not Assigned -

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Ct 1 Poss Cocaine

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Ct 2 Drive While License Revoked

Cap-misd - Capias - Misd - Oper With Susp Dl/more Th

Other Arrests:
  Isaac Scott Arrest Mugshot Broward 12/30/2024 Isaac Scott Arrest Mugshot Broward 07/01/2022 Isaac Scott Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/16/2020 Isaac Scott Arrest Mugshot Broward 03/23/2018