account_boxStacey Wright

Stacey  Wright Mugshot

Height: 168lbs
Weight: 71in(s)
Charge(s): 790.23 1a - Possession Of Firearm Ammunition Or Weapon By Florida Convicted Felon (lev:f Deg:s 2674) - Principal - P

784.021 1b - Aggravated Assault With Intent To Commit A Felony (lev:f Deg:t 2559) - Principal - P

784.021 1a - Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill (lev:f Deg:t 2558) - Principal - P

790.15 2 - Discharging A Firearm From A Vehicle (lev:f Deg:s 2642) - Principal - P

784.03 1a1 - Battery By Intentional Touch Or Strike (lev:m Deg:f 2560) - Principal - P

827.03 2d - Neglect Child Without Great Bodily Harm (lev F Deg T 7494) - Principal - P

827.03 2d - Neglect Child Without Great Bodily Harm (lev F Deg T 7494) - Principal - P

316.1935 3a - Fleeing Or Attempting To Elude Leo Wanton Disregard (lev:f Deg:s 4096) - Principal - P

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