account_boxLakisha Latrice Davis

Lakisha Latrice Davis Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 01/20/1981
Height: 506
Weight: 217
Charge(s): Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Felony Petit Theft

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Ct.1 Burglary Unoccupied Dwelling, Ct.2 Felony Battery (prior Conviction)

Other Arrests:
  Lakisha Davis Arrest Mugshot Broward 09/15/2023 Lakisha Davis Arrest Mugshot Broward 09/04/2021 Lakisha Davis Arrest Mugshot Broward 04/30/2021 Lakisha Davis Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/18/2020 Lakisha Davis Arrest Mugshot Broward 10/23/2018