account_boxDesmond Leigh Johnson

Desmond Leigh Johnson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 01/29/1980
Height: 507
Weight: 195
Charge(s): 81.2-3(b) - Burglary Unoccupied Dwelling Unarmed -

91.36-1 - False Id Given To Leo -

81.6 - Possess Burglary Tools With Intent To Use -

893.13-6a(coc) - Possession Of Cocaine -

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Criminal Use Of Personal Identification Info

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Organized Fraud 3rd Degree

Cap-misd - Capias - Misd - Unlaw Use False Name/identi

Other Arrests:
  Desmond Johnson Arrest Mugshot Broward 06/07/2022 Desmond Johnson Arrest Mugshot Broward 08/26/2021 Desmond Johnson Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/18/2019