account_boxDuane Perry Williamson

Duane Perry Williamson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1/2/1994
Charge(s): Homicide-neglig Mansl-veh - Dui Cause Death To Human Or Unborn Child

Moving Traffic Viol - Drive Wo Lic Causes Death/serious Injury W Veh

Dui-unlaw Bld Alch - Dui And Serious Bodily Injury To Another

Dui-unlaw Bld Alch - Dui Damage To Property Or Person Of Another

Other Arrests:
  DUANE WILLIAMSON Arrest Mugshot Palm Beach 10/20/2020 DUANE WILLIAMSON Arrest Mugshot Palm Beach 03/31/2020 Duane Williamson Arrest Mugshot Broward 10/05/2018 DUANE WILLIAMSON Arrest Mugshot Broward 01/08/2011