account_boxDouglas Antonio Smith

Douglas Antonio Smith Mugshot

Height: 245lbs
Weight: 72in(s)
Charge(s): 784.021 1a - Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill (lev:f Deg:t 2558) - Principal - P

784.021 1a - Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill (lev:f Deg:t 2558) - Principal - P

784.021 1a - Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill (lev:f Deg:t 2558) - Principal - P

Other Arrests:
  Douglas Smith Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 09/13/2022 Douglas Smith Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 05/04/2009 Douglas Smith Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 01/06/2003 Douglas Smith Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 06/23/2002