account_boxJohn Hayward Grant

John Hayward Grant Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 03/04/1966
Height: 506
Weight: 152
Charge(s): 893.13-6a(coc) - Possession Of Cocaine -

893.13-6a(fent) - Possession Of Fentanyl -

893.147-1 - Drug Paraphernalia-possess And Or Use -

843.2 - Resist Officer-obstruct Without Violence -

Municipal Ord - Municipal/city Ordinance - 133.11 Possession Of An Open Container

Other Arrests:
  John Grant Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/13/2022 John Grant Arrest Mugshot Broward 01/16/2022 John Grant Arrest Mugshot Broward 04/29/2021 John Grant Arrest Mugshot Broward 08/15/2018 John Grant Arrest Mugshot Broward 06/18/2015