account_boxJoseph Anthony Alvarado

Joseph Anthony Alvarado Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 01/26/1985
Height: 505
Weight: 135
Charge(s): Cvl-wrt Arrst - Writ Of Arrest - Broward County Support Payment Unit

81.2-4(b) - Burglary Unoccupied Conveyance Unarmed -

86.13-1b1(2) - Crim Misch - 2 Dols Or Less Subsq Offense - Criminal Mischief

843.2 - Resist Officer-obstruct Without Violence -

81.6 - Possess Burglary Tools With Intent To Use -

812.14-2c1 - Grand Theft

86.13-1b3 - Criminal Mischief Over 1 Dollars -

877.8-3 - Molest Coin Opr Machine Wit Larceny 1st Off -

81.6 - Possess Burglary Tools With Intent To Use -

812.14-3a - Petit Theft-2nd Degree - 1st Offense -

86.13-1b3 - Criminal Mischief Over 1 Dollars -

Other Arrests:
  Joseph Alvarado Arrest Mugshot Broward 10/19/2023 Joseph Alvarado Arrest Mugshot Broward 07/19/2022