account_boxAnthony Drew Parker

Anthony Drew Parker Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 11/19/1960
Height: 510
Weight: 180
Charge(s): 322.34-2b - Drive While License Susp- Second Offense -

32.261 - Attach Registration License Plate Not Assigned -

32.2(1) - Fail To Register Motor Vehicle -

316.75(1)(c)1 - Disobey/avoid Red Light -

316.185 - Fail To Use Due Care -

316.646 - Fail Provide Proof Liability Security -

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Felony-petit Theft

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Possession Of Cocaine

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Petit Theft-habitual Offender

812.14-3c - Petit Theft-2nd Degree - 3rd Subsq Offense - Felony Petit Theft

948.6 - Probation Violation Or Community Control/felony - Petit Theft/3rd Conviction

Other Arrests:
  Anthony Parker Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/18/2022 Anthony Parker Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/10/2018 ANTHONY PARKER Arrest Mugshot Broward 06/20/2017