account_boxPreston James J Williams

Preston James J Williams Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 07/09/1967
Height: 509
Weight: 150
Charge(s): 893.13-6a(coc) - Possession Of Cocaine -

893.13-6a(fent) - Possession Of Fentanyl -

893.147-1 - Drug Paraphernalia-possess And Or Use -

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Felony Petit Theft (2 Priors)

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Giving False Name To Law Enforcement Officer

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Felony Petit Theft (2 Priors)

Cap-fel - Capias - Fel - Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia

Warr-ptr-f - Warrant Vopretrial Felony - Felony Petit Theft

Warr-ptr-f - Warrant Vopretrial Felony - Possess Drug Paraphernalia

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