account_boxKeith Tyrone Mccoy

Keith Tyrone Mccoy Mugshot

Height: 511
Weight: 140
Charge(s): Statute: 002.000 Description: Fel Charge Not In Cops-more\cmis See Comments

Statute: 322.34(5) Description: Operating While Dl Revoked For Habitual Traffic Offender

Statute: 901.36(1) Description: Give False Name Or Identification To Law Enforcement

Statute: 893.13(6)(a) Description: Possess Cocaine

Statute: 893.147(1) Description: Use, Or Possess With Intent To Use, Drug Paraphernalia

Statute: 810.08(2)(a) Description: Trespass In Structure Or Conveyance (unoccupied)

Other Arrests:
  Keith Mccoy Arrest Mugshot Duval 06/05/2022 Keith Mccoy Arrest Mugshot Duval 03/13/2022 Keith Mccoy Arrest Mugshot Duval 03/22/2020 Keith Mccoy Arrest Mugshot Duval 01/24/2018 Keith Mccoy Arrest Mugshot Jacksonville 10/07/2017