account_boxAnthony Lee Sherman

Anthony Lee Sherman Mugshot

Height: 506
Weight: 185
Charge(s): Statute: 322.34 Description: Knowingly Drive While License Suspended, Cancelled Or Revoked

Statute: 893.13(6)(a) Description: Armed: Possess Controlled Substance Without Prescription

Statute: 893.147(1) Description: Use, Or Possess With Intent To Use, Drug Paraphernalia

Statute: 790.01(2) Description: Carrying Concealed Firearm

Statute: 316.1935(4)(a) Description: Fleeing / Attempting To Elude Leo After Crash - Aggravated - Propery Damage Or Injury

Statute: 893.135(1)(b)(1) Description: Traffic In Cocaine - 28 Grams Or More But Less Than 150 Kilograms

Statute: 893.13(1)(a)(2) Description: Armed: Possess Marijuana With Intent To Sell/mfg/deliver

Statute: 893.13(6)(a) Description: Armed: Possess Controlled Substance Without Prescription

Statute: 948.06 Description: Violation Of Probation Or Community Control - Misdemeanor Offense

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