account_boxTroyanosky Lothario Jones

Troyanosky Lothario Jones Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 11/05/1997
Height: 6ft00
Charge(s): Resisting Officer Without Violence (cops10

Introduction Of Contraband Into A Detentio

Possession Of Cannabis Less Than 20 Grams

Other Arrests:
  TROYANOSKY JONES Arrest Mugshot Hillsborough 09/23/2022 TROYANOSKY JONES Arrest Mugshot Hillsborough 04/06/2022 TROYANOSKY JONES Arrest Mugshot Hillsborough 02/10/2022 TROYANOSKY JONES Arrest Mugshot Hillsborough 01/21/2021 TROYANOSKY JONES Arrest Mugshot Hillsborough 06/07/2020