account_boxJustin Wayne Kennedy

Justin Wayne Kennedy Mugshot

Height: 511
Weight: 200
Charge(s): Statute: 539.001(8)(b) Description: False Verification Of Ownership On Pawn Broker Transaction Form

Statute: 812.019(1) Description: Dealing In Stolen Property

Statute: 843.02 Description: Resisting Officer Without Violence To His Or Her Person

Statute: 539.001(8)(b)8a Description: False Verification Of Ownership On Pawn Broker Transaction Form (less Than $300 Received)

Statute: 812.019(1) Description: Dealing In Stolen Property

Statute: 810.02(4)(a) Description: Burglary / Structure Not Occupied (no Assault / Battery - No Weapon)

Other Arrests:
  Justin Kennedy Arrest Mugshot Duval 11/05/2019 Justin Kennedy Arrest Mugshot Jacksonville 12/13/2018