account_boxGregory Morgan Armstrong

Gregory Morgan Armstrong Mugshot

Height: 603
Weight: 170
Charge(s): Statute: 784.03(1)(a)(2) Description: Battery - Cause Bodily Harm - Dating Violent - Minor Injury - Personal Or Special Weapon

Statute: 784.021(1)(a) Description: Assault / Agg / With A Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill

Statute: 784.021(1)(a) Description: Assault / Agg / With A Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill - Domestic

Statute: 784.03(1)(a)(2) Description: Battery - Cause Bodily Harm - Domestic - Minor Injury - Personal Or Special Weapon

Statute: 948.06 Description: Violation Of Probation Or Community Control - Misdemeanor Offense

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