account_boxPatrick David Mcnulty

Patrick David Mcnulty Mugshot

Height: 509
Weight: 170
Charge(s): Statute: 784.03(1)(a)(2) Description: Battery - Cause Bodily Harm - Minor Injury - Personal Or Special Weapon

Statute: 948.06 Description: Violation Of Probation Or Community Control - Misdemeanor Offense

Statute: 843.15(1)(b) Description: Fta - Failure Of Defendant On Bail To Appear / Charged With A Misdemeanor

Statute: 827.03(1)(e) Description: Child Neglect

Statute: 856.011(1) Description: Disorderly Intoxication - Endangering Property/others

Other Arrests:
  Patrick Mcnulty Arrest Mugshot St. Johns 08/30/2018 Patrick Mcnulty Arrest Mugshot Duval 07/24/2018 Patrick Mcnulty Arrest Mugshot Duval 07/05/2018 Patrick Mcnulty Arrest Mugshot Jacksonville 12/11/2017 Patrick Mcnulty Arrest Mugshot Duval 12/11/2017