account_boxWilliam Dario Garcia

William Dario Garcia Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 08/17/1988
Height: 600
Weight: 275
Charge(s): 8.4-5b - Lewd/lasc Molest Vic Less 12 Yoa Ofndr 18 Yoa Oldr - Coc To Sex Batt Vict

794.11-2a - Sex Aslt By Over 18 Yoa Sex Bat Victm Under 12 Yoa - Coc To Sex Bat Vict

8.4-5b - Lewd/lasc Molest Vic Less 12 Yoa Ofndr 18 Yoa Oldr -

847.133(1) - Sell Obscene Material To Minor -

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