account_boxJustin Alexander Rice

Justin Alexander Rice Mugshot

Height: 507
Weight: 150
Charge(s): Statute: 784.082(3) Description: Battery / Inmate Of Detention Facility Upon Inmate Or Visitor

Statute: 893.13(6)(b) Description: Person In Actual Or Constructive Possession Of 20 Gms Or Less Cannabis

Statute: 790.01(2) Description: Carrying Concealed Firearm

Statute: 893.13(1)(a)(1) Description: Armed Possession Of Illegal Drugs (listed In Fss 893.13(1)(a)(1))

Other Arrests:
  Justin Rice Arrest Mugshot Duval 01/09/2014 Justin Rice Arrest Mugshot Duval 06/13/2010 Justin Rice Arrest Mugshot Duval 02/03/2009 Justin Rice Arrest Mugshot Duval 04/18/2007 Justin Rice Arrest Mugshot Duval 02/18/2007