Date: | 09/19/2005 |
AGE/DOB: | 36 |
Height: | 508 |
Weight: | 150 |
Charge(s): | Statute: 812.014(3)(c)1 Description: Grand Theft - Unspecified - $300 To Less Than $5000 Statute: 806.13(1)(b)2 Description: Criminal Mischief (over $200 Less Than $1000) Statute: 810.02(3)(b) Description: Burglary / Dwelling Not Occupied (no Assault / Battery - No Weapon) Statute: 810.02(3)(b) Description: Burglary / Dwelling Not Occupied (no Assault / Battery - No Weapon) Statute: 843.02 Description: Resisting Officer Without Violence To His Or Her Person Statute: 901.36(1) Description: Unlawful To Falsely Id Self To L.e. Or Corr Ofc While Detained Or Arrested |
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