account_boxTimothy Brian Higgins

Timothy Brian Higgins Mugshot

Height: 509
Weight: 140
Charge(s): Statute: 316.063(1) Description: Accident - Failed To Leave Information At Scene / Unattended Vehicle - Property Damage

Statute: 324.201(2) Description: Financial Responsibility - Driving While Drivers License Suspended

Statute: 843.02 Description: Resisting Officer Without Violence To His Or Her Person

Statute: 322.34(5) Description: License; Driving W Dl Susp Or Rev - Habitual Traffic Offender

Other Arrests:
  Timothy Higgins Arrest Mugshot Duval 04/30/2016 Timothy Higgins Arrest Mugshot Duval 01/14/2016 Timothy Higgins Arrest Mugshot Duval 04/13/2013 Timothy Higgins Arrest Mugshot Duval 06/01/2009 Timothy Higgins Arrest Mugshot Duval 06/13/2007