account_boxJohn Doss Aube

John Doss Aube Mugshot

Height: 507
Weight: 145
Charge(s): Statute: 001.000 Description: Misd Charge Not In Cops-more\cmis See Comments

Statute: 893.147(1) Description: Use, Or Possess With Intent To Use, Drug Paraphernalia

Statute: 893.13(6)(b) Description: Person In Actual Or Constructive Possession Of 20 Gms Or Less Cannabis

Statute: 810.09(1)(a)2 Description: Trespass On Unenclosed Curtilage Of Dwelling / Intent To Commit Offense

Other Arrests:
  John Aube Arrest Mugshot Duval 09/13/2013 John Aube Arrest Mugshot Duval 01/22/2010 John Aube Arrest Mugshot Duval 03/11/2009 John Aube Arrest Mugshot Duval 01/10/2008 John Aube Arrest Mugshot Duval 12/04/2007