account_boxCarlos Vega

Carlos  Vega Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 12/14/1962
Height: 130
Weight: 00325692
Charge(s): Leaving The Scene Of A Crash With Property

Leaving The Scene Of A Crash With Property

Driving Under The Influence With Property

Driving Under The Influence With Property

Driving Under The Influence With Property

Refusal To Submit To Testing

Other Arrests:
  CARLOS VEGA Arrest Mugshot Palm Beach 05/22/2019 CARLOS VEGA Arrest Mugshot Pinellas 03/17/2019 Carlos Vega Arrest Mugshot Orange 02/04/2019 Carlos Vega Arrest Mugshot Orange 01/22/2019 Carlos Vega Arrest Mugshot Lake 01/28/2015