account_boxMelissa Gail Webb

Melissa Gail Webb Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 7/17/1980
Height: 507
Weight: 145
Charge(s): 893.135 (1)(f)1.b Traffick-amphetamine/methamphet. 28-200 Gr

948.06 Viol Of Probation/community Control-adult

777.04(3)......... Conspiracy Sell/manufacture Methamphetamin

893.1351(2) Possess Structure Veh Know Traffic Drugs

918.13 Destroy/tamper With/fabricate Physl.eviden

951.22(1) Smuggle Contraband Into Detention Facility

893.13(6a).,,,,,....... Possession Of Morphine

893.135 (5)********. Consp Traff In Oxycodone

893.135 (1)(c)(1)c..* Trafficking In Oxycodone

Detention Hold Hold For Another Agency (detention Only)

Other Arrests:
  Melissa Webb Arrest Mugshot Polk 6/16/2000