account_boxJaquan Rashod Johnson

Jaquan Rashod Johnson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 05/05/1995
Height: 508
Weight: 130
Charge(s): Possess W/intent Sell Manuf Deliver Cocaine

Possess W/intent Sell Manuf Deliv Heroin

Poss Cannabis 20 Grams Less/ Synth Cann 3 Gms Less

Probation Violation Or Community Control/fel/misd Vop-fel / Deli W/gun / Conc Wpn / Ammo

Probation Violation Or Community Control/fel/misd Vop-burg / Dwell / Occup. Convey

Viol Of Cc - Fel Vocc-poss F/arm Delinq

Viol Of Cc - Fel Vocc-burglary Unoccupied Dwelling

Other Arrests:
  Jaquan Johnson Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 09/03/2019 Jaquan Johnson Arrest Mugshot Broward 07/09/2015