account_boxTory Jonae Arnold

Tory Jonae Arnold Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 4/12/1984
Height: 601
Weight: 175
Charge(s): 322.34(2b) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp 2nd Of

843.02 Resist Officer-obstruct Wo Violence

322.34(2a) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp 1st Of

322.34(2c) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp 3rd Or

316.061 Hit And Run-leave Scene Of Crash Involve Damage To

Other Arrests:
  Tory Arnold Arrest Mugshot Polk 7/14/2015 Tory Arnold Arrest Mugshot Polk 12/6/2003 Tory Arnold Arrest Mugshot Polk 11/10/2002