account_boxGeorge Turner

George  Turner Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 5/27/1968
Height: 600
Weight: 195
Charge(s): 893.13(6a) Drugs-possess-cntrl Sub Wo Prescription

322.34(2b) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp 2nd Of

812.014(2c1) Larc-theft Is 300 Or More But Less Than 5000 Dols

893.13(6a) Cocaine-possess-possess Cocaine

893.147(1) Narcotic Equip-possess-and Or Use

322.36 Nonmoving Traffic Viol-permit Unauthorized Person

316.1935(2) Resist Officer-high Speed Veh Pursuit Flee Att To

Other Arrests:
  George Turner Arrest Mugshot DOC 07/12/2018