account_boxShannon Davonne Jones

Shannon Davonne Jones Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 11/4/1979
Height: 509
Weight: 180
Charge(s): 322.34(5) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp Habitu

316.067 Making False Report-give False Information Or Repo

893.13(6b) Marijuana-possess-not More Than 20 Grams

893.13(6a) Drugs-possess-cntrl Sub Wo Prescription

893.147(1) Narcotic Equip-possess-and Or Use

893.135(1e1) Drugs-traffic-in Methaqualone 200 Grams Or Over

948.06 Prob Violation-or Commty Cont Re Unk/fel/misd/juv

316.1935(2) Resist Officer-high Speed Veh Pursuit Flee Att To

322.34(2a) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp 1st Of

Other Arrests:
  Shannon Jones Arrest Mugshot Polk 12/28/2002 Shannon Jones Arrest Mugshot Polk 5/21/2002 Shannon Jones Arrest Mugshot Polk 4/5/2002 Shannon Jones Arrest Mugshot Polk 12/21/2001 Shannon Jones Arrest Mugshot Polk 7/19/2001