account_boxRobert James Patton

Robert James Patton Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1965-12-06
Height: 5-
Weight: 150
Charge(s): Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Cary Iss060509

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Carlin Iss 061209

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Carlin Iss 061909

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Carlin Iss 040309

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Unknown Iss 041709

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Unknown Iss 042409

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Cary Iss 050109

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Unknown Iss 050809

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Cary Iss 052209

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Unknown Iss 051509

Withhold Support Non Support Of Children Or Spouse Jd Cary Iss 052909

Other Arrests:
  Robert Patton Arrest Mugshot Lee 2009-03-09