account_boxRobert Amo Tyler

Robert Amo Tyler Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 12/28/1969
Height: 508
Weight: 165
Charge(s): 810.08(2a) Trespassing-structure Or Conveyance


810.115 Trespassing-place Signs Adjacent To Highway

322.34(2a) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While License Susp Fi

827.06 Withhold Support-non Support Of Children Or Spouse

Other Arrests:
  Robert Tyler Arrest Mugshot Polk 4/21/2002 Robert Tyler Arrest Mugshot Polk 9/6/2001 Robert Tyler Arrest Mugshot Polk 11/28/1999 Robert Tyler Arrest Mugshot Polk 10/31/1997 Robert Tyler Arrest Mugshot Polk 8/7/1997