account_boxJames Michael Hendrix

James Michael Hendrix Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 9/9/1975
Height: 510
Weight: 170
Charge(s): 812.014(2c) Larc-over 300 Dollars Under 20000 Dollars

812.014(2c6) Veh Theft-grand Theft Of Motor Veh (value Is Under

322.34(2b) Nonmoving Traffic Viol-drive While Lic Susp 2nd Co

316.1935(3) Flee/elude Police-high Speed Fleeing/eluding Leo W

812.019(1) Stolen Prop-deal In

893.13(1a2) Amphetamine-possess-wit Sell Mfg Deliv Sch Ii Or I

810.02(2b) Burgl-dwelling Structure Or Conveyance Armed

810.02(3b) Burgl-of Unoccupied Dwelling; Unarmed; No Asslt Or

812.014(2e) Larc-petty 1st Degree Property 100 To Und 300 Dols

Other Arrests:
  James Hendrix Arrest Mugshot Polk 10/28/2013 James Hendrix Arrest Mugshot Polk 9/28/2003 James Hendrix Arrest Mugshot Polk 3/7/2003 James Hendrix Arrest Mugshot Polk 5/26/1999 James Hendrix Arrest Mugshot Polk 12/23/1998