account_boxJohnny Ray Gann

Johnny Ray Gann Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1/10/1968
Height: 600
Weight: 180
Charge(s): 810.02(3a) Burgl-of Dwelling; Unarmed; No Asslt Or Batt

812.014(2c) Larc-over 300 Dollars Under 20000 Dollars

812.014(2c6) Veh Theft-grand Theft Of Motor Veh (value Is Under

810.02(4a) Burgl-of Structure; Unarmed Wo Person Inside

893.13(6a) Drugs-possess-controlled Substance Without Prescri

893.147(1) Narcotic Equip-possess-and Or Use

206.56(2c) Larc-state Funds Over 300 Under 20000 Dollars

856.021 Loitering-or Prowling

843.02 Resist Officer-obstruct Wo Violence

790.01(1) Carrying Concealed Weapon-electric Weapon Or Devic

817.311 Fraud-imperson-unlawful Use Of Badge

Other Arrests:
  Johnny Gann Arrest Mugshot Polk 5/24/2003 Johnny Gann Arrest Mugshot Polk 9/13/2001 Johnny Gann Arrest Mugshot Polk 11/29/2000 Johnny Gann Arrest Mugshot Polk 8/6/2000 Johnny Gann Arrest Mugshot Polk 3/11/2000