account_boxPaul Burns Anderson

Paul Burns Anderson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1977-10-24
Height: 5-
Weight: 170
Charge(s): Parole Violation /fl Parole Commission/burg/grand Thft/hab Offender

Larc Commit Grand Theft Damage Over 1000 Dols

Nonmoving Traffic Viol Drive While Lic Susp 2nd Off

Hit And Run Leave Scene Of Crash Involve Damage To Prop

Moving Traffic Viol Reckless Drive Damage Person Or Property

Resist Officer Obstruct Wo Violence

Veh Theft Grand 3rd Degree

Other Arrests:
  Paul Anderson Arrest Mugshot Polk 11/24/2015 Paul Anderson Arrest Mugshot Lee 2023-09-27 00:50:00.000 Paul Anderson Arrest Mugshot Lee 2021-10-01 15:38:00.0 Paul Anderson Arrest Mugshot Lee 2018-10-13 Paul Anderson Arrest Mugshot Lee 2016-11-09