account_boxMarcus Jermaine Bowman

Marcus Jermaine Bowman Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1984-06-01
Height: 5-
Weight: 145
Charge(s): Municipal Ordinance Viol Loud Car Radio

Failure To Appear Loud Radio Noise(conveyence)

Nonmoving Traffic Viol Drive While Lic Susp 3rd Or Subsq Off

Nonmoving Traffic Viol Drive While Lic Susp 1st Off

Failure To Appear Dwls 1st Offense Jdg Paluck Iss 121008

Other Arrests:
  Marcus Bowman Arrest Mugshot Lee 2015-07-19 Marcus Bowman Arrest Mugshot Lee 2014-07-18 Marcus Bowman Arrest Mugshot Lee 2009-07-06 Marcus Bowman Arrest Mugshot Lee 2012-08-21 Marcus Bowman Arrest Mugshot Lee 2012-07-24