account_boxRichard Lee Cooks Jr

Richard Lee Cooks Jr Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1976-05-03
Height: 5-
Weight: 175
Charge(s): Battery Cause Bodily Harm

Flee/elude Police Fleeing/eluding Leo Lights/sirens Active

Nonmoving Traffic Viol Drive While Lic Susp 1st Off

Resist Officer High Speed Veh Pursuit Flee Att To Elude Leo

Cocaine-possess Possess Cocaine

Hit And Run Leave Scene Of Crash Involve Damage To Prop

Resist Officer Obstruct Wo Violence

Municipal Ordinance Viol Loud Radio, Tv, Stereo

Nonmoving Traffic Viol Drive While Lic Susp 2nd Off

Other Arrests:
  Richard Cooks Jr Arrest Mugshot Lee 2014-01-19 Richard Cooks Jr Arrest Mugshot Lee 2013-12-05 Richard Cooks Jr Arrest Mugshot Lee 2013-04-15 Richard Cooks Jr Arrest Mugshot Lee 2007-10-31 Richard Cooks Jr Arrest Mugshot Lee 2003-10-30