account_boxMichael H Hollis

Michael H Hollis Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1957-04-08
Height: 6-
Weight: 225
Charge(s): Failure To Appear Iss.110804 Jd. Hayes No Tag

Failure To Appear Iss110804 Jd.hayes Dl Susp

Failure To Appear Iss.110804 Jd.hayes Fail Ti Maint Insur

Failure To Appear Iss 110804 No Regst. Jd.hayes

Drive While Lic Susp 2nd/nonmoving Traffic Viol Drive While Lic Susp 2nd Off

Fail To Register Motor Ve/nonmoving Traffic Viol Fail To Register Motor Veh

Attach Registration Licen/nonmoving Traffic Viol Attach Registration License Plate Not Assigned

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