Date: | 5/9/1995 |
AGE/DOB: | 6/16/1965 |
Height: | 507 |
Weight: | 158 |
Charge(s): | 812.014(2c4) Grand Theft/auto 948.06 Viol Prob/comm Cntrl 322.34 Oper Mtr Veh W/canceled/susp/rev/dl 843.02 Resist/obst- Ofcr W/o Violence 322.212(1) Unauth Use/stolen/forged Dl 893.147 Poss/use/mfg/del/adver Drug Paraph 316.1935 Flee/attempt To Elude A Police Ofcr 893.13(1) Cont Subst-poss/sell/mfg/del 784.021 Agg Assault 812.014(2c1) Grand Theft - Other $300 To 20,000 810.02(3) Burg Struct/convey Unarmed 831.01 Forgery |
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