account_boxThomas Lee Sharpneck

Thomas Lee Sharpneck Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 8/19/1969
Height: 602
Weight: 150
Charge(s): 812.014(2c1) Grand Theft - Other $300 To 20,000

812.019 Deal In Stolen Prop-organized

948.06 Viol Prob/comm Cntrl

322.34 Oper Mtr Veh W/canceled/susp/rev/dl

316.1935 Flee/attempt To Elude A Police Ofcr

810.02 Burg-struct Incl Auto

831.02 Utter Forged Instrument

831.01 Forgery

Other Arrests:
  Thomas Sharpneck Arrest Mugshot Polk 11/22/1993