account_boxLaine Michael Whitacre

Laine Michael Whitacre Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 11/28/1989
Charge(s): 18-18-403.5(2)(a) Poss Of I/ii/ketamin

18-18-405(2)(c) Sale/mfg/dist:cntl'd

42-2-138. Drove Vehicle When L

42-4-1409(3) Failed To Present Ev

42-4-202(1) Drove Defective/unsa

42-3-114 Displayed Expired Nu

16-2-110(1)(b) Fta:theft/bcso

Other Arrests:
  LAINE WHITACRE Arrest Mugshot Denver 2022-08-22 Laine Whitacre Arrest Mugshot Boulder 02/25/2022 Laine Whitacre Arrest Mugshot Boulder 05/03/2021 LAINE WHITACRE Arrest Mugshot Denver 2021-04-24 LAINE WHITACRE Arrest Mugshot Boulder 07/19/2020