account_boxRyan Joseph Lepisto

Ryan Joseph Lepisto Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 06/26/1985
Charge(s): 18-8-306 Attempt To Influence

18-12-106 Weapons-prohibited U

18-12-105(1) Carrying A Concealed

18-8-110 False Report Of Expl

Other Arrests:
  Ryan Lepisto Arrest Mugshot Larimer 2023-03-02 18:52:00-07 RYAN LEPISTO Arrest Mugshot Boulder 05/18/2020 RYAN LEPISTO Arrest Mugshot Boulder 05/18/2020 RYAN LEPISTO Arrest Mugshot Boulder 01/31/2019 RYAN LEPISTO Arrest Mugshot Boulder 05/23/2018