account_boxGregory Garcia

Gregory  Garcia Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 02/05/1965
Charge(s): 4242061 - Vehicle Not Equipped With Tail

4241101112-0161 - Speeding (40 Mph Over Prima Fa

424603 - Failed To Observe/disregarded

4241203 - Reckless Driving

1891165 - Vehicular Eluding

42413011a - Driving Under The Influence

4221381d - Driving Under Restraint-alcoho

184501 - Criminal Mischief

162110 - Failure To Appear Warrant

Other Arrests:
  Gregory Garcia Arrest Mugshot Weld 03/27/23 Gregory Garcia Arrest Mugshot Weld 11/21/20 Gregory Garcia Arrest Mugshot Arapahoe Gregory Garcia Arrest Mugshot Weld 09/16/16 Gregory Garcia Arrest Mugshot Weld 06/15/16