account_boxAlexander Morrow

Alexander  Morrow Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 12/14/1992
Charge(s): 18184035 - Possession Schedule Ii Substan

4242271 - Mat On (windshield/fnt Side Wi

42411031 - Impeded Normal Flow Of Traffic

4221381a - Driving Under Restraint/susp/r

4241409 - No Proof Of Insurance

18184051a - Drug Distribution

Other Arrests:
  Alexander Morrow Arrest Mugshot Weld 06/13/23 Alexander Morrow Arrest Mugshot Weld 01/07/21 Alexander Morrow Arrest Mugshot Weld 01/09/20 Alexander Morrow Arrest Mugshot Weld 11/09/18 Alexander Morrow Arrest Mugshot Weld 09/30/18