account_boxTristan Avery Lee

Tristan Avery Lee Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 06/25/1991
Height: 6 1
Weight: 195
Charge(s): Violation Of Probation (ab109)

Theft Pers Prop Under 400 (misd)

Theft Pers Prop Under 400 (misd)

Shoplifting - Value Not Over $950

Petty Theft With Priors

Grand Theft Property

Other Arrests:
  Tristan Lee Arrest Mugshot Fresno 07/18/2018 Tristan Lee Arrest Mugshot Fresno 08/25/2017 Tristan Lee Arrest Mugshot Fresno 07/08/2017 Tristan Lee Arrest Mugshot Fresno 06/27/2017 Tristan Lee Arrest Mugshot Fresno 06/09/2017