account_boxJoe Rufus Gomez

Joe Rufus Gomez Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 12/15/1986
Height: 5 10
Weight: 175
Charge(s): Violation Of Domestic Violence Protective Order

Inflict Corporal Injury On Spouse/cohabitant

Probation And Suspension

Batt Of Non-cohabitant

Inflict Corporal Injury On Spouse/cohabitant

Other Arrests:
  Joe Gomez Arrest Mugshot DOC 7/6/2018 JOE GOMEZ Arrest Mugshot Riverside 04/22/2018 Joe Gomez Arrest Mugshot Fresno 12/31/2016 Joe Gomez Arrest Mugshot Fresno 01/16/2016