account_boxLucas Thurston Smith

Lucas Thurston Smith Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 02/09/1982
Height: 508
Weight: 135
Charge(s): 784.7-2b - Battery On Officer, Firefighter, Emt Etc. -

91.36-1 - False Id Given To Leo -

843.2 - Resist Officer-obstruct Without Violence -

843.1 - Resist Officer-obstruct With Violence -

948.6 - Probation Violation Or Community Control/felony - Sex Offender Fail To Comply With Law

948.6 - Probation Violation Or Community Control/felony - Sex Batt V

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Sex Offender Fail To Comply With Law

Other Arrests:
  Lucas Smith Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/09/2021 Lucas Smith Arrest Mugshot Broward 07/14/2021 Lucas Smith Arrest Mugshot Broward 01/08/2019