account_boxAnthony David Ford

Anthony David Ford Mugshot

Height: 75
Weight: 220
Charge(s): 843.02 - Resisting Officer Without Violence (lev:m Deg:f 3143) (principal - P)

00.01 - Failure To Appear Misdemeanor- No New Chg Entry (principal - P)

00.08 - Underlying Charge (principal - P)

Court Order: 00.01 - Off Bond/forfeiture/revocations- No New Chg Entry

322.34 5 - Driving Without License Revoked Habitual Offender (lev:f Deg:t 506) (principal - P)

316.1935 2 - Fleeing Or Attempting To Elude Leo (lev:f Deg:t 382) (principal - P)

Other Arrests:
  Anthony Ford Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 11/25/2023 Anthony Ford Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 05/18/2018 Anthony Ford Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 10/28/2014 Anthony Ford Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 06/10/2014 Anthony Ford Arrest Mugshot Charlotte 03/10/2014